An automated logistics management system for the Køge University Hospital in Denmark developed by PSQR

Case Summary

Hospitals need to transport many different kinds of supplies and waste around their installations in order to enable day to day operations. From moving medicine to surgery rooms, to moving clean clothes to a patient's room, and all the way to moving waste to the corresponding containers, these transport tasks always ensure that microbes are contained, and supplies are properly desinfected and/or sterilized.

The Køge University Hospital decided to automate these transport tasks with autonomous robot vehicles and conveyor belts in a way that is compliant with the GS1 EPCIS standard for enabling supply chain visibility.

To address this need, PSQR developed STYR. Based on PSQR's flagship product, Saga, STYR comes with EPCIS capabilties straight out of the box. Allowing for constant visibility, monitoring, and automation, of the hospital's supply chain.

STYR means "Steering" in Danish. It was named after its primary purpose, which is to "steer" (or orchestrate) a fleet of autonomous robot vehicles, and a set of automated and conveyor belts, to fulfill the logistical needs of the Køge University Hospital for transporting supplies and waste to their designated locations automatically, 24/7.

My Take

I am very happy to have had the opportunity to work as part of the skilled software engineering team assigned to collect the requirements and constraints of the project, as well as iteratively design and implement the solution.

With the help of close feedback loops with the client as we built our way towards our common goal, we learned and discovered together the intricacies of each requirement, and guided the client towards our recommended approaches for planned, and unplanned, challanges as they arose.

Being able to see such an ambitious project go from zero to full-blown production, is very fulfilling. Knowing it is now helping hospital staff rest from transporting duties, allowing for more time to work with the patients, is truly rewarding.